Friday, August 28, 2009

" Roll,  Roll,  Roll a Joint,  pass it down the line.   Take a toke and hold the smoke,  and blow your fucking mind ! "

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mad Cow

please visit this site for very amusing animations.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

well, unless you live under a rock, you know by now that Sen. Ted Kennedy passed away. The Democrats lost one of their best today, and the impact that he made in this country, will live on for generations. R.I.P. Senator, and condolences to the Family.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Death has a slow day

man, just when you think the world can't get any worse, it does. it's bad enough that a major portion of the population that lives at or below the poverty level can't even afford to see a doctor, now the cocksucking republican assfuckers are raising hell because the President wants UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Gee, that's funny, because when anyone with a consious or who's heart is not totally made of granite even made the slightest negative remark about the Bush Aministration's phoney "War on Terror" they were immediately branded "UnAmerican" or "Aiding the Terrorist" ect...ect.......I am SO sick of these fucking greed driven pieces of shit, that I think the real enemies of America are the GOP amd the moronic pukes who work for a living yet still vote for the "Party of the Rich"'s disgusting.

So, my challenge is....if you don't receive any benefit from the Government, i.e.- Police, Fire, Streets, Highways, fresh water, College loans, "cash for Clunkers".....shit the list would take up 20 pages......but if you live without any of this....then yes, bitch about the Govt. spending a few dollars to help those that can't afford it otherwise. but if you woke up in America this morning, then you already live in a Socialist, Totalitarian country (thanks to GW Bush FoxNews et al). so, take your fucked up Do as I say, not as I do punk asses and go live in fucking Canada or Bermuda or anyplace but here. I've taken all the abuse I care to take from my fellow countrymen who insist that me and people who think like me are their "true" enemies. All I have to say to them is "suck my dick" and start watching your backs.