Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11/01 Never Forget

as the 8th Anniversary of the September 11  Terror Attacks on America  begins,  let's not forget all the people from around the world who were killed and injured that day.   Let us not forget the reasons we need to come together as one people in this country, instead of ripping ourselves apart,  just to satisfy NeoCon agendas.    I lost several friends that day.......and have been profoundly affected by the events.    PLEASE honor the memories of those lost and the Bravery and Sacrifice of those who worked so hard to find and rescue victims,   and to those who are serving proudly to protect our country.  
and say "Thank You"  to the US Military

add your story or videos or still pictures to the collection at:

Obama's First 8 months

So,  your crying and whining about Mr. Obama's first 8 months in office?   try reading some of Mr. Bush's accomplishments while he was in power.    Oh,  did I say TRY?........of course.    after all,   the list is over 400 pages long.   good luck. 
(plus,  these facts are documented)

The Shot heard round the Country

in the words of "Borat" woweewow-woo-woo........the first shot was fired in the War of the Parties.   Just as I predicted a few days ago,   the Republican war has started.    On 9-9-09  I said the war with Republicans would start and sure enough,   they fired the first shot..........use the link to read the full story,   but it seems that these so called "Family Value"  "Christian" politicians are not only resigning from their posts because of  their lewd and twisted ways.....but they even shout out their ignorance during a Presidential speech before Congress.   Where were these loud-mouth morons when GW Bush bullshitted the Country on a war that was nothing more than personal retribution for his families ineptitude.    Democrats are sorry enough,  but these Republicans are the worse.   Fuck'em  I say.

Scumbag reveals his true self...HipoChristian Mike Duvall

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Real Enemies of America

That's right folks !   the real enemies of America are not  Al-Queda or the Taliban......heck,  their not even Muslim.   The real Enemy of America ?........Republicans !   thats right !   and the true Patriots of this country have determined that the only thing to do is fight. heard it here first,  the war to take back our country starts on 09/09/09.   on that day,  if you truly love the USA,   then make it a point to disrupt,  disturb,  or destroy anyone who claims to be Republican.   Pay them sombitches back for the last 8 years they've been treating us like the enemy.          ROCK ON !!!!