Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Katt Williams, Actor, Comedian, Burglary Suspect ?

Funnyman Katt Williams has been arrested and is being held pending a bond hearing in Coweta County, Georgia .  The 38 year old actor was arrested after a homeowner in the southwest Atlanta suburb called police around 9pm and reported that he (williams) had broken into his home and stole various items including jewely.  Williams is being charged with Burglary, and Criminal Trespass.


Midget Supremacists - Watch more Funny Videos

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009


OK, so it's that time of year again !  Time for all the Boy's and Ghoul's to sneak around the Hood and beg for handouts.
by the way,  the best selling halloween mask this year are
Bernie Madoff
Michael Jackson
GW Bush
Disney Princess

For great Halloween Ideas and ways to make your own "Haunted House"......goto

Thursday, October 29, 2009

99 cent movie review

Run, Fatboy, Run
a silly, frothing sometimes plodding film by Simon Pegg
while it shuffles along for the first 30 minutes or so,  it slowly picks up steam and ends with you cheering along the hapless Pegg as he tries to win back the love of his life.
while not his funniest work,  Pegg does show his dramatic side and it plays out well,  the supporting cast also does an excellent job  and Hank Azaria plays the suave dickhead to a "T"
overall,  I'd give this one a "6"  out of "10"
if you haven't seen it yet,  it's worth the watch and as a 99cent rental,  your not losing anything.
photo via  (c)NewLineCinemaPicturehouseHoldings Inc.

Change, you can believe in !

Well,   after much thought on the subject,  I have decided to veer my course of thinking more towards the "humor"  side of things,   and a little less on the "politics".........I haven't been feeling well the last week or two and think that the state of Politics in America lately have been causing me undo I'm going to try and focus mostly on Film and Humor.   Forgive me if I snake in a political jab on occasion tho,  as I am passionate about "politics"  and especially the gross and distorted LIES that seem to endlessly spew from the "RightWing"  and "Faux News" lets begin anew and I'll try to give you a new and perhaps "improved"  DocPainFilms.   are you ready?.......OK,   here we go !!!

Sorry,   I just had to slip this one in.........

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I wasn't going to post today, then I ran across this asshat

what a dingleberry.......visit his site and either agree or disagree with him.  like a typical teabaggin neocon,  he doesn't even debate the outright lies he spews,  just keeps saying "I know you are, but what am I"...........GOD,  when are these ultra-right wing morons gonna die and leave us in peace?   this Rush Limburger wantabe is so full of shit,   he contradicts himself constantly in the same sentence.      I really have no other words to describe this goof,   you just have to visit his site and see the lunacy for yourself.     p.s.  again,  if you agree with this nutcase (although I don't know why you would,  unless your filled with as much hate as he is),   then join his incoherent ranting.....but if your like me and are tired of the insanity that the last 8 years have created.....then please,  flood this jerks comments with all the reality that he can handle ( which is probably not much)......see how long he continues to post.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Say it ain't so, Joe (sixpack)

OMG ! did ya hear the news?  That low down Leftist, Obama has done went and won the Noble Peace Prize !  How dare him !  The great and glorious Dictatorer and Deciderer, GW Bush didn't win no Noble Prize.  He spent 8 years driving the once mighty US of A into a shithole and caused 3/4 of the world to hate us,  created a massive economic hemmorage that will take YEARS to heal and created a political rife in this country that will only end with a civil war.  And now,  this uppity "Guy" wins the worlds most prestigious award after only 9 months in office......the gall of this guy.   Man, this is some funny shit.   I can't wait to here how GLENard BECKelstein and Bill'o Liely and Rush Limburger are gonna bitchslap this news.   I suspose that it's all the Commie and Socialist folks in the world that did this.   Thank god we have wonderful Republican Christians out there who are willing to alter the Bible so that it reflects the honest values of true American Patriots.
(oh,  by the way,  I'm only joking........not about Obama winning the Peace prize.....but, about the Republicans being the only American Patriots....after all, these are the folks that are destroying America.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11/01 Never Forget

as the 8th Anniversary of the September 11  Terror Attacks on America  begins,  let's not forget all the people from around the world who were killed and injured that day.   Let us not forget the reasons we need to come together as one people in this country, instead of ripping ourselves apart,  just to satisfy NeoCon agendas.    I lost several friends that day.......and have been profoundly affected by the events.    PLEASE honor the memories of those lost and the Bravery and Sacrifice of those who worked so hard to find and rescue victims,   and to those who are serving proudly to protect our country.  
and say "Thank You"  to the US Military

add your story or videos or still pictures to the collection at:

Obama's First 8 months

So,  your crying and whining about Mr. Obama's first 8 months in office?   try reading some of Mr. Bush's accomplishments while he was in power.    Oh,  did I say TRY?........of course.    after all,   the list is over 400 pages long.   good luck. 
(plus,  these facts are documented)

The Shot heard round the Country

in the words of "Borat" woweewow-woo-woo........the first shot was fired in the War of the Parties.   Just as I predicted a few days ago,   the Republican war has started.    On 9-9-09  I said the war with Republicans would start and sure enough,   they fired the first shot..........use the link to read the full story,   but it seems that these so called "Family Value"  "Christian" politicians are not only resigning from their posts because of  their lewd and twisted ways.....but they even shout out their ignorance during a Presidential speech before Congress.   Where were these loud-mouth morons when GW Bush bullshitted the Country on a war that was nothing more than personal retribution for his families ineptitude.    Democrats are sorry enough,  but these Republicans are the worse.   Fuck'em  I say.

Scumbag reveals his true self...HipoChristian Mike Duvall

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Real Enemies of America

That's right folks !   the real enemies of America are not  Al-Queda or the Taliban......heck,  their not even Muslim.   The real Enemy of America ?........Republicans !   thats right !   and the true Patriots of this country have determined that the only thing to do is fight. heard it here first,  the war to take back our country starts on 09/09/09.   on that day,  if you truly love the USA,   then make it a point to disrupt,  disturb,  or destroy anyone who claims to be Republican.   Pay them sombitches back for the last 8 years they've been treating us like the enemy.          ROCK ON !!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

" Roll,  Roll,  Roll a Joint,  pass it down the line.   Take a toke and hold the smoke,  and blow your fucking mind ! "

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mad Cow

please visit this site for very amusing animations.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

well, unless you live under a rock, you know by now that Sen. Ted Kennedy passed away. The Democrats lost one of their best today, and the impact that he made in this country, will live on for generations. R.I.P. Senator, and condolences to the Family.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Death has a slow day

man, just when you think the world can't get any worse, it does. it's bad enough that a major portion of the population that lives at or below the poverty level can't even afford to see a doctor, now the cocksucking republican assfuckers are raising hell because the President wants UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Gee, that's funny, because when anyone with a consious or who's heart is not totally made of granite even made the slightest negative remark about the Bush Aministration's phoney "War on Terror" they were immediately branded "UnAmerican" or "Aiding the Terrorist" ect...ect.......I am SO sick of these fucking greed driven pieces of shit, that I think the real enemies of America are the GOP amd the moronic pukes who work for a living yet still vote for the "Party of the Rich"'s disgusting.

So, my challenge is....if you don't receive any benefit from the Government, i.e.- Police, Fire, Streets, Highways, fresh water, College loans, "cash for Clunkers".....shit the list would take up 20 pages......but if you live without any of this....then yes, bitch about the Govt. spending a few dollars to help those that can't afford it otherwise. but if you woke up in America this morning, then you already live in a Socialist, Totalitarian country (thanks to GW Bush FoxNews et al). so, take your fucked up Do as I say, not as I do punk asses and go live in fucking Canada or Bermuda or anyplace but here. I've taken all the abuse I care to take from my fellow countrymen who insist that me and people who think like me are their "true" enemies. All I have to say to them is "suck my dick" and start watching your backs.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hey! not dead yet!, LOL, will be posting some crazy stuff soon. be watching, it's gonna get wild in here!