Saturday, October 17, 2009

I wasn't going to post today, then I ran across this asshat

what a dingleberry.......visit his site and either agree or disagree with him.  like a typical teabaggin neocon,  he doesn't even debate the outright lies he spews,  just keeps saying "I know you are, but what am I"...........GOD,  when are these ultra-right wing morons gonna die and leave us in peace?   this Rush Limburger wantabe is so full of shit,   he contradicts himself constantly in the same sentence.      I really have no other words to describe this goof,   you just have to visit his site and see the lunacy for yourself.     p.s.  again,  if you agree with this nutcase (although I don't know why you would,  unless your filled with as much hate as he is),   then join his incoherent ranting.....but if your like me and are tired of the insanity that the last 8 years have created.....then please,  flood this jerks comments with all the reality that he can handle ( which is probably not much)......see how long he continues to post.

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